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105. Remote Teaching Essentials: Connection, Intentionality and Perseverance with Jennifer Scott from Peg City Teachers

In this new reality of remote teaching and learning, how do we set our students and their parents/guardians up for success? We’ve invited Jennifer Scott, mother and support teacher from Peg City Teachers onto the show! We talk about focusing on what matters most. Jennifer shares the importance of connection, intentionality and perseverance from a teacher and a parent’s perspective. We also discuss the importance of taking a less-is-more approach to learning and working from home.

In this episode, Jennifer shares lots of great tips for teachers and for parents! Learn how to navigate remote teaching and learning with less stress and more grace.


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[Free Training] Remote Social-Emotional Learning: How to support your students during these emotional times

How can we be there for our students in these times of heightened anxiety, worry and stress without being physically in the same space as them? How do we address their social-emotional needs?

As teachers, we are currently facing the reality of remote teaching and learning – just when students need tools and strategies to manage their emotions the most.

How do we continue to support our students’ needs from a distance?

What resources do we use?

How will we ever explain to parents how to teach this to their kids?

Navigating all of this can be so overwhelming! 🤯

To make this transition easier, we invite you to join our free online training where you will learn exactly how to help your students face life’s challenges… from a distance! 💻

You will even leave the workshop with a ready-to-use online social-emotional learning resource (in English and French) that can effectively be used remotely by both you and your students’ families.

The best part? There’s no prep required on your part. Everything is ready for remote teaching and learning.

Give your students and their families the tools and strategies they need to manage their emotions in these difficult times. ☺️

Click here to make your life a little easier ➡️ https://mailchi.mp/educalme.com/remoteteaching

Share this post on Pinterest so other educators can learn these tips and tricks for remote teaching too!
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