Educalme Classroom

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The Educalme Podcast & Blog

98. A Mindfulness Lesson Plan to Leave for Subs

If you have a regular classroom mindfulness practice using Educalme or the Educalme Free Trial, you know that this daily practice helps your students’ brains and bodies to be ready for calm and focused learning. You’ve also probably noticed that if you skip a day, your students ask for the practice and you can tell that they have a harder time self-regulating and staying on task.

If you’re away from the classroom, you probably want your students to continue their routine of an Educalme mindfulness practice with your substitute teacher so that they’re ready to be their best selves even in your absence. In this podcast episode/blog post, we’re sharing a ready to use lesson plan to leave for your sub as well as the guided audio so that your sub doesn’t have to create an Educalme Classroom account.

Follow these steps to easily prepare your sub for the Educalme mindfulness practice.

  1. Log into your Educalme Classroom account at www.educalme.com/login
    • If you don’t have an Educalme Classroom account yet, sign up for the Free Trial at www.educalme.com/free
  1. Once you’re in your member area, click on the Educalme icon.
  1. Then, click on the Start Here theme.
  1. Next, click on the Introduction to Mindfulness tab.
  1. Then, click on the Lesson Plan dropdown and open the Lesson Plan PDF.
  1. Print the lesson plan for audio 1 on p.2 of the PDF.
  2. Write on the lesson plan that to play the audio for this lesson, go to www.educalme.com/tbe098, then fast-forward the audio player on this webpage to 7 min and 30 sec to listen to the English audio or to 12 min to listen to the French audio.

And there you have it, a ready-to-use sub plan so that your students can continue their Educalme Classroom mindfulness practice even when you’re away.

If you’d like to extend the activity, print page 1 of the student booklet as a writing reflection activity and print the My Calm Place Activity so that students can visually represent their calm place.

Do you have any tips for leaving mindfulness with a sub? Let us know in the comments below!

Share this post on Pinterest so that other teachers can learn how to leave mindfulness with a sub too.

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