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69. 5 Personal Development Books That Will Change Your Life

Are you looking for a fun, easy to read, book to help you feel awesome? Here are our top 5 recommendations for personal development books that will shift your perspective and change your life for the better!

5 Personal Development Books That Will Change Your Life for The Better

Summer’s almost here, and we’ve got books on our minds. We love to read “feel good” personal development books that help us grow into better versions of ourselves.

Today, we’re sharing the top 5 personal development books that changed our lives:

How to Live a Good Life by Jonathan Fields

This book offers concrete, applicable strategies to apply in our lives to feel more balance and joy. The idea is that you have “Good Life Buckets” that you need to fill. By the end of this book, you’ll feel awesome, more balanced and ready to take on the world!

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

This book is like a giant pep talk! Do you have hopes and dreams and things you wanna do in your life? This book will give you the courage you’re looking for to pursue your wildest dreams!

A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Learn to shift your perspectives and your beliefs with this beautiful read. This one is awesome for helping you love your students even though they may challenge you as a teacher!

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This one is meant to be read in tidbits, reflected on and absorbed slowly. It’s the least fluffy read in this list, but my goodness, it really does teach how to live in the present moment and to be the best version of yourself. This book teaches us to live more mindfully and intentionally.

The Whole Brain Child by Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

If you’re a parent or a teacher this is a MUST READ. This book will teach you all about brain development, emotional intelligence, and how to foster growth in your children and students. This book completely transformed the way we manage our classrooms and support our students! It also gives practical strategies you can use to help your kids or students when they are feeling a big emotion.

Your turn now! Pick one of these books and read it over the summer. Let us know what you learned in the comments below!

Happy summer reading teachers!

With calm and appreciation,

Kailey & Josianne

Dive deeper into this topic by listening to the following episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast:

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5 Personal Development Books That Will Change Your Life for The Better

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