In this episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast, we’re interviewing Rosetta Matthews to learn what essential oils are and how to use them in our lives.
Rosetta Matthews is a Certified Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Human Ecologist (B.H.Ecol.) and a Certified AromaTouch Instructor. As a Wellness Advocate (doTERRA) she has focused her career for the past 8 years on inspiring individuals to transform their lifestyle though empowering them to engage in holistic, self-directed healthcare with naturally sourced solutions. She is also a passionate doTERRA Leader and Mentor who inspires people to overcome obstacles, limiting beliefs and to set action based steps to achieve their goals.
In this episode, Rosetta explains what an essential oil is and how we extract the oils from plants.
She explains the importance of researching where the essential oils we are using come from to ensure that we are getting pure therapeutic grade essential oils and not a synthetic version.
Rosetta explains how essential oils can be therapeutic and we talk about the medicinal properties of the oils.
She explains how to get started with essential oils.
We talk about switching from chemical cleaners and synthetic skincare products to natural options that we can make ourselves using essential oils.
Rosetta explains and gives examples of how to use essential oils in our lives aromatically, topically and internally.
This episode is perfect for you if you want to gain a better understanding of where essential oils come from, how to choose the right essential oils for you and how to use essential oils in your daily life.
If you would like more information on essential oils as well as a list of great DIY recipes, click here.
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