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TBE #053: Coping with Anxiety as a Family with Melissa Russell

Today on The Balanced Educator Podcast, we’re having Melissa Russell from Simple Lionheart Life on a second time, but this time, we’re talking about mindful parenting.

Melissa writes about creating a simpler, more intentional life by decluttering and embracing minimalism at Simple Lionheart Life. Minimalism and simplifying have had such a positive impact on Melissa’s life, giving her so much more time, space and freedom. So much so that she’s made it her mission to share the benefits of creating a simpler life. Melissa shares motivation, encouragement and practical advice to help people get rid of the clutter and create a life with less stuff and more living!

Melissa shares how she practices mindfulness in her own life and how she practices with her 4 and 7 year old kiddos.

She talks about how practicing mindfulness and learning concrete breathing strategies as a family has really helped them as they’ve gone through a challenging time.

She shares about her daughter’s journey in being diagnosed with anxiety and OCD and what’s helping her to work through it.

She talks about the importance of using humour and positivity in this journey!

Show notes

Check out Melissa’s website here:  Simple Lionheart Life

You can connect with Melissa on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Melissa’s last episode with us: Less Stuff and More Life with Melissa Russell

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Coping with Anxiety as a Family with Melissa Russell

2 thoughts on “TBE #053: Coping with Anxiety as a Family with Melissa Russell

  1. Doreen Elkington February 11, 2019 at 5:20 pm

    What a good podcast. It is so easy for children to pick up habits from parents and even harder to help them work through their anxieties. Early in life I suffered a lack of confidence. I grew up and got married at 19yrs. and brought up 3 children not knowing they inherited my lack of confidence that affected them in school and held them back from meeting their potential had they not had this lack of confidence problem. I later in mid life went in to counselling for 4yrs. and I came out a whole different person. I lived for the first time and knew happiness in a different way. I related in a way that educated my children on a daily basis and helped everyone. I developed skills from this counselling that led me to give 8yrs. of voluntary work to Mental Health Services. Supporting others with Mental Health difficulties and gave me a good career in administration in supporting clients. I read self help books all my life which could only take me so far then it was time to do the hard work in counselling which paid off. I do believe in self education and in talking about one’s issues and sharing helps parents feel less alone. We grow and learn from each other. We thus also help our environment

    1. Educalme February 12, 2019 at 5:01 pm

      Hi Doreen, thank you so much for taking the time to share! We cannot agree more; the importance of making time for ourselves and our self-care, as well as our self-development. And what a great thing to model to our kiddos, or better yet, to involve them in the process! Reading and learning is great, but actually applying what’s been learned is key to a good mental health! I’m glad you enjoyed the episode! And so glad to hear you were able to use your own story and grow from it, sounds like you’ve brought a lot of good into the world!! 🙂

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