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TBE #035: Preparing Kids for Jobs that don’t Exist yet with Sam Squire

In this episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast, we interview Sam Squire on how to prepare kids for jobs that don’t exist yet.

Sam Squire is a yoga teacher and meditation guide currently living in Vancouver, BC. After high school, she went right into pre-pharmacy at the University of Winnipeg only to discover a more traditional education was not for her. So she jetted off to Greece and did a yoga teacher training instead. Eventually came back, did some more expensive soul searching at University then landed on the Creative Communications program at Red River College. She graduated with a diploma in Public Relations and Communications Management. Sam is a creative entrepreneur who wears many different hats. Right now, she spends her time working on her latest entrepreneurial endeavour, the Soul Squad Community, an online yoga and meditation program.

We discuss how we can prepare our students for jobs and careers that don’t exist yet.

Sam explains what skills she has that are required for running her online business, The Soul Squad Community. We discuss how she couldn’t have planned or prepared for what she does today because it is a role that didn’t really exist when she was in high school.

Sam explains that the fundamental qualities she learned to embody through both her yoga and meditation practice as a teen and the values and attitudes that she learned from her teachers at school have been the biggest contributors to her success. Those qualities are compassion, kindness, citizenship and creativity.

Sam believes that by modelling and teaching these qualities we are preparing our students for any future they might encounter.

Sam explains what one of her most influential teachers did in her classroom that still sticks with her today.

Sam, who runs an online business and thrives on social media, explains why, in this digital world, she does not suggest that teachers actually teach their students how to use the apps and platforms that exist today. Rather, she suggests that we teach students how to properly communicate.

We talk about how to support students in this digital world where cyber bullying is a current reality.

Sam shares the mindsets that help her to be a successful entrepreneur.

Show notes

You can find out more about Sam and The Soul Squad Community at www.samdsquire.com

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Preparing Kids for Jobs that don’t Exist yet with Sam Squire:

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