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The Educalme Podcast & Blog

TBE #028: How to Juggle it all with Carolina Smith

In this week’s The Balanced Educator podcast, we chat with Carolina Smith about how she infuses mindfulness in her own life and in her classroom.

Carolina has just wrapped up her 2nd year as a grade one French Immersion teacher in Calgary, Alberta. After having hit full burnout in university, she decided to take off to South America to travel and pursue her yoga teacher training. This experience launched her on a path of teaching yoga, practicing mindfulness and continuously developing her personal self-care tool kit to juggle all the roles of being a teacher.

Carolina talks about how she infuses mindfulness with grade 1 students and how she uses Educalme resources with them. She shares concrete strategies that can be applied right away to bring more calm into the classroom.

She talks about her mindfulness practice and how she fills her cup up at the beginning of each day so that she can start her days feeling her best.

She chats about how she‘s created a habit for herself checking in on her quality of breath, which has helped her immensely to respond to life rather than react

She chats about how she finds balance in her own life and how important it is for her to create a concrete transition between home and work to keep that balance.

We share with you a HUGE FREEBIE – a month’s worth of ready-to-use mindfulness for the classroom, you don’t want to miss out on this!

Show notes

To get your FREE one month worth of ready-to-use mindfulness for you and your kiddos, go to www.educalme.com/intro

Educalme is your clear roadmap & simple action plan to prioritize social-emotional development so that your students are ready for calm and focused learning. Get a full year of ready-to-use audio, video and printable mindfulness lessons for the classroom. No prep required! Try Educalme for free!

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How to Juggle it all with Carolina Smith:

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