Educalme Classroom

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The Educalme Podcast & Blog

TBE #017: How Mindfulness Inspired us to Simplify our Lives

In this week’s episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast, we talk about how our mindfulness practice inspired us to simplify many areas of our lives.

We talk about how our mindfulness practice started as a formal seated meditation and evolved into us being more present throughout our day. Our seated practice taught us to notice our thoughts and catch ourselves when we get swept away in thinking about the past or future. The more we practice watching our thoughts, the more present we become. As we become more present, we learn to really appreciate the moment and life seems to slow down.

As we slowed down, we began noticing when the “stuff” in our environment made us feel overwhelmed. This brought us to simplifying our wardrobe to make getting dressed in the morning smoother and simpler. It also led us to simplify our home decor and declutter our classrooms.

In the classroom, our mindfulness practice led us to simplify the school day, to reduce transitions and to connect different subject matters in one project so that we could seamlessly flow from one task to the next with our students and reduce the number of items in the classroom.

If you want to see what we’re up to between now and next week’s episode, you can connect with us on Instagram @educalme.

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With calm and appreciation,

Kailey and Josianne

Show notes:

Educalme Classroom is your clear roadmap & simple action plan to prioritize social-emotional development so that your students are ready for calm and focused learning. Get a full year of ready-to-use audio, video and printable mindfulness lessons for the classroom. No prep required! Try Educalme Classroom for free!

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How Mindfulness Inspired us to Simplify our Lives:

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