Educalme Classroom

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The Educalme Podcast & Blog

TBE #011: Why reality isn’t real

In this week’s episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast, we’re talking about how reality isn’t real.

Our thoughts create our emotions. That means that our thoughts about anything we experience dictates whether that experience feels good or bad for us.

Two people can go to the same movie. One may like the movie and the other may dislike it. It isn’t the movie that is good or bad, it’s the watcher’s thoughts about the movie that makes them feel good or bad while they’re watching it.

We break down many of the stories that society has told us to see if we can look at a situation in a new way that will make us feel better.

We outline the steps we take to shift a negative experience into a positive experience just by changing our stories.

We discuss how we can help our kiddos to shift their experiences from negative to positive by shifting their perspective.

If you want to see what we’re up to between now and next week’s episode, you can connect with us on Instagram @educalme.

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With calm and appreciation,

Kailey and Josianne

Show notes:

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Why reality isn’t real:

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