
Do you have any questions?

Check out our FAQs!

What is the cost of a 12 month membership to Educalme?

Educalme is $250 CAD per teacher for 12 months. However, a 10% discount is automatically applied when you purchase 5 or more memberships on one order.

Click here to sign up.

How long do I have access to my Educalme membership?

When you purchase one or many Educalme membership(s), you will need to assign them to either yourself and/or to someone else (we send instructions on exactly how to do this upon purchase – it’s easy!). You will be able to access your membership for 12 months from the day it is assigned to you.

When you purchase by credit card, you will be able to assign the membership(s) to yourself or someone else immediately upon purchase. Instructions on how to do this will be sent by email.

When you purchase by invoice, you will be able to assign the membership(s) to yourself or someone else once we receive payment. We will be in touch with you as soon as we receive payment with instructions on the next steps.

When you purchase by purchase order (P.O.), you will be able to assign the membership(s) to yourself or someone else once we receive the purchase order. Instructions on how to do this will be sent by email.

We will remind you by email when your subscription is almost up so that you can start planning to purchase again and you won’t have a lapse in access to Educalme.

Note that your membership will not auto-renew.

Click here to sign up.

What happens if I don’t renew my membership after 12 months?

Your account will go back to the free trial version. You will have access to the Start Here theme, which includes the training for teachers on how to use the program and the Introduction to Mindfulness unit. You will no longer be able to access the rest of the content, but your free trial never expires so you can use it for years to come!

Click here to start your Educalme Free Trial.

How many people is this membership licensed for?

The Educalme membership is licensed per teacher.

Each teacher will have their own private account and login information that they can use in their classroom/with their students. All content in Educalme is to be used by the teacher who owns the account with their students and not to be shared with other teachers who do not have a membership.

Teachers/councillors/specialists etc. that work in multiple classrooms can use their membership with all the students they work with. However, they cannot share their login information with other teachers.

Click here to sign up.

Do you offer school or division/district licenses?

Yes, we do!

Here are some helpful PDFs with information that can help you decide if a school, division or district Educalme membership is right for you:

When you make a purchase of 5 or more memberships, a 10% discount is automatically applied at checkout.

The person who makes the memberships order will become the team manager, or they can assign this position to someone else. The “Manager” role allows you to add and delete members from the team. This means if a teacher goes on a leave or changes schools, the manager will easily be able to reassign the membership to the new teacher who takes their place so there are no memberships going unused!

Click here to sign up.

If you are interested in a multi-school, a district or division-wide membership, click here to contact us.

Our goal is to make your life as easy as possible! Upon payment for large orders, we handle membership setup on our end for a seamless start with Educalme. To initiate this process, we only require the first name, last name and email address of each participating teacher. From there, we take charge of reaching out to them directly, providing detailed instructions on how to access and make the most of their membership. Our goal is to simplify the onboarding journey and facilitate a smooth transition for all educators involved.

Do you offer discounts for school, division or district licenses?

Yes, we do!

The price of a 12 month Educalme membership is $250 per teacher.

However, when 5 or more teachers from one school purchase together, a 10% discount is automatically applied.

Click here to sign up.

We also offer special pricing for multi-school, district or division-wide licenses. If you would like to learn more about it, click here to contact us directly.

Can I purchase a membership for more than 12 months at a time?

Yes, you can!

Special pricing for teams wanting an Educalme membership for multiple years is available upon request. Contact us here if you would like to purchase one or more extended Educalme membership(s).

Can I purchase a membership for less than 12 months?

Absolutely! The monthly fee is $25 CAD and we require a 3 month minimum commitment (a minimum of $75).

If you would like to get an Educalme membership for a few months only, simply contact us and let us know the number of months you would like, and if you would rather pay by credit card or invoice. We will answer you within 3 business days with the next steps.

What if I am unhappy with the membership?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund. We cannot offer refunds after 30 days have passed. See our terms and conditions for more details.

If you’re unsure if Educalme will be a good fit for you, we highly suggest starting with the free trial before making your purchase.

What are my payment options?

You have lots of options when it comes to payment!

Credit card: You can pay online by credit card, which will give you immediate access to your Educalme membership(s).

Invoice: You can request an invoice at checkout. You will get access to your Educalme membership(s) once we receive payment. You can pay by cheque or by sending an etransfer to [email protected].

Purchase Order (P.O.): If you would like to use a purchase order, you will choose invoice as your payment method. Once you place your order you will get an invoice which will include all of the information you will need to fill out your purchase order following your division or district’s procedures. Once your purchase order is ready, email it to us at [email protected]. When we receive your purchase order, we will send you back an invoice with the PO number and we will immediately activate your membership(s).

Click here to sign up.

***If you would like to request a quote, email us at [email protected] and let us know your name, email and address, how many Educalme memberships you are interested in purchasing, and we’ll send it to you within 3 business days.

Can I pay by Purchase Order (P.O.)?

Yes, you sure can!

To order your Educalme memberships using a purchase order, follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://www.educalme.com/signup/ and create your order.
  2. Then, at the checkout page select invoice as your payment method. Once you place your order you will get an invoice which will include all of the information you’ll need to fill out your purchase order following your district or division’s procedures.
  3. Once your purchase order is ready, email it to us at [email protected]. When we receive your purchase order, we will send you back an invoice with the PO number, and then we will activate your memberships and email you with instructions for how to assign the memberships to your team members.

Click here to sign up.

Can I purchase Educalme membership(s) in USD (American Dollars) with a check?

Yes, you can!

We are happy to send you either a quote or an invoice in USD.

Simply email us at [email protected] and let us know your name, email and address, how many Educalme memberships you are interested in purchasing in USD, and whether you are requesting a quote or an invoice.

We will send you your quote or invoice within 3 business days with the price in USD so that you can pay by check.

If you want to pay in by check (cheque) in Canadian dollars, see the FAQ on payment options. If you need to request a quote, email us at [email protected].

Do I have access to the Educalme curriculum in English and French?

Yes, you do!

When you purchase Educalme, you have access to all of the content in both English and French. The content is exactly the same in both languages, which makes it a really amazing social-emotional learning curriculum option for French Immersion classrooms!

You can switch from English to French or from French to English on any page on the Educalme website. You can do this by scrolling to the top of any page and by clicking on the language you desire in the top right corner!

Do I need to take a professional development workshop before I can start using the program?

No, you don’t need any training or workshop to use Educalme with success – It is truly a ready-to-use, no prep program from which both your students and you will benefit!

However, if you want to watch a quick 3 minute video to learn how to use the Educalme Program with success, follow this link to watch it now.

You also have the option to watch a 15 minute training video that goes into more detail about how to use the Educalme program with a step-by-step approach. This video is available inside the Start Here theme of the Educalme Free Trial, in the Teacher Training section. It is called “How to Use the Educalme Program with Success”.

There’s even a video inside the Free Trial that introduces the program to your students so that you don’t need to plan an introductory lesson!


Now, knowing you do not need to do any professional learning to use Educalme successfully, do know that Kailey, co-founder of Educalme, frequently offers virtual workshops all over the world.

Kailey offers online workshops on the following topics:

  • Mindfulness in the Classroom for Social, Emotional and Academic Growth
  • Co-Regulation in the Classroom: Mindful Teacher, Mindful Students
  • Avoid Teacher Burnout: The Self-Care and Wellness Teacher Toolkit

If you would like to have Kailey present at your next event or professional learning day, follow this link to contact us.


“I enjoyed the step by step presentation, everything was well detailed and explained, ready to apply in the classroom.” – Elementary Teacher

What if I have questions once I’ve enrolled in Educalme?

We are always here to answer all of your questions! You can ask your questions by emailing us at [email protected] or fill out the form in our contact page here.

We will answer your questions within 3 business days!

Can a membership be transferred from one teacher to another?

Absolutely! Educalme is designed with staff changes in mind.

Once you’re logged into your Educalme membership, click on “Teams” in the menu on the left hand side of your screen. From here, click on “Add Teacher” to see how many memberships are left to be assigned, and to add/delete yourself and/or other teachers from your team.

You may find this PDF helpful to understand how to activate your membership and to manage your team if you purchased multiple memberships.

I purchased an Educalme membership, but I still only have access to the free trial. What do I do?

For your paid Educalme membership to work, you will need to activate it first. The program is set up in this way because it’s not always the person who purchases the program that will actually be using it (example: the secretary makes the purchase for the teacher).

Follow these super easy steps on how to activate your membership(s) and how to assign them to either yourself and/or someone else.

Your membership will expire a year from the date it was assigned.

Is Educalme a research-backed and an evidence-based program? Is it aligned with CASEL competencies? What are the Educalme benefits and outcomes?

Yes, Educalme is a research-backed, CASEL-aligned and evidence-based program.

A third-party evaluation of Educalme demonstrated that this program improves self-regulation, focus, resilience, classroom management, academics and more. Read the evaluation here.

You can learn more about the research and evaluation behind the Educalme program here.

Lastly, here are the Educalme program results and outcomes.

If you have any more questions about any of the above documents or the Educalme program, contact us here.

Do you have special pricing for students in the faculty of education?

Yes, we do!

Please contact us and let us know which university you currently attend and when you are graduating. We will get back to you within 3 business days!

Which grades is Educalme for?

Educalme is for all grades, kindergarten all the way to grade 12 (and teachers too!)!

Educalme consists of daily audios. While the audios include simple vocabulary, they are not recorded in a “baby” voice, so students of all ages can understand and appreciate the audio content. There are also many units with 2 and 5 minute audio options. Furthermore, there are so many units in Educalme (more than you can get through in one school year!) so you can choose which units will work best for the grade you teach and the outcomes that are important to you.

The printables, videos, projects and activities inside Educalme usually have multiple versions, which includes a version for K-4/5 students and one for 5/6-12 students with deeper thinking questions.

There are endless options for you to tailor the Educalme content to the grade(s) you teach, no prep required!

You can get a behind-the-scenes tour of exactly what’s inside the Educalme membership by watching this video.

Does Educalme work in a Core French classroom?

Absolutely! Here’s why.

There are lots of core French teachers using the Educalme program with their students. Many Core French teachers are even using the program to teach French to their students! It’s a wonderful interdisciplinary program to teach beginners French.

Educalme was evaluated by a third party and the evaluation not only demonstrated that this program self-regulation, focus, resilience, classroom management and more, but we also learned that the program works really well for classrooms learning French as a second language.

Here’s some of the feedback we received from one of the many Core French teachers that participated in the evaluation surveys:

“I’ve found lots of SEL and mindfulness resources in English but never with a French translation — this is where Educalme saves me the most time; I love that the French version is the same as the English. Educalme has given me an easy way to teach key vocabulary in my Core French classroom (ex. Breathe in, breathe out, take a deep breath, don’t forget, etc.). I love that I can use the 5 min audio clips in both English and French, to support my students learning French as a second language.”

As mentioned above, inside the Educalme program, everything is exactly the same in both languages. Many teachers shared in the surveys used for the evaluation that they pre-taught some of the vocabulary at the start of the unit. In each unit, there’s a lesson plan where we list the new vocabulary for the unit, which makes it easy for you to share with your group. In the lesson plan, there are also discussion questions that can be repeated throughout the unit. As we know, repetition is key when learning a new language, so this repetition in each unit makes it a wonderful opportunity for students to retain new vocabulary.

The audios and videos always follow the same pattern, which means there’s also a lot of repetition in vocabulary. This is great for new French learners! Furthermore, the printables are worded with simple vocabulary and have a lot of repetition throughout the unit as well.

What we’ve seen with beginner French classrooms is that often teachers will first make students listen to the English audio, then either the same day or the next day, they will switch to the French version, and go from one to the other as needed. Or, they’ll start the unit by listening to the English version, then go over the vocabulary, then listen to the French versions for multiple days after that.

We usually recommend middle and high school grades to listen to audio 1 on Monday, audio 2 on Tuesday, audio 3 on Wednesday, etc. However, with French as a second language learners, we encourage them to listen to audio 1 for the entire week (again, repetition!), audio 2 for the entire week, etc. starting with the English version first then moving into the French version. This way students learn the language and the vocabulary at a much deeper level.

Click here to sign up for Educalme.

In this FAQ list, there is a question above on what grades Educalme is for. The answer to this question will also be helpful for you to assess if Educalme is a good fit for your Core French classroom or not.

My membership will expire soon. How do I renew it?

Whether your Educalme membership has already expired or not, renewing is really easy!

Simply follow the steps outlined in this PDF.

If you have any other questions about renewing, contact us here.

Can I book a meeting or an information session with you to talk about my school, district or division’s needs?

Of course, we would love to jump on a call with you to chat about how we can best support you!

Simply email us directly at [email protected] or fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch with you within 3 business days.

Do you have any free resources?

Yes, we have lots of free resources for K-12 educators!

The Balanced Educator Podcast & Blog

We equip busy teachers with concrete, practical social-emotional learning, wellness and mindfulness strategies that empower them to feel more calm, balanced and joyful both in and out of the classroom on The Balanced Educator Podcast and Blog. Start listening and learning here!

Classroom Resources for Calm & Focused Learning

Grab a free no-prep breathing exercise and mindfulness activities ebook and learn the do’s and don’ts of teaching mindfulness in the classroom in a short online workshop on this page!

The Educalme Free Trial

Get the first theme in the Educalme program by signing up for the Educalme Free Trial. You will get access to optional training on how to use Educalme with success and the first unit in Educalme, Introduction to Mindfulness. This unit provides you with over a month of no-prep social-emotional learning resources for your classroom that you can use for years to come – Your free trial never expires!

Sign up for the Educalme Free Trial now!

Do you have a question that hasn’t been answered here?

Send us a message, we’re always happy to help!

© 2025 Made with love in Canada

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