
Transform Your Classroom Atmosphere.

A Systematic Approach to Meeting your Wellbeing and Academic Goals

​Hi, we’re Kailey and Josianne, the founders of Educalme (pronounced “edu-calm”!). Nice to meet you!


We’ve been in the field of education for over 10 years. So, we have a first-hand understanding of the realities of the classroom and the challenges that both teachers and students face every day.

We developed the research-backed Educalme online program in response to the rise in anxiety, stress and burnout in the classroom for both students and educators. And, as we know, the pandemic has further intensified this crisis and the need for evidence-based solutions.

How a Common Problem Led to an Innovative Solution


It all started when we were facing burnout as teachers. We were also so tired of piecing together social-emotional learning lessons from different sources that didn’t fit together. Plus, we taught in a French Immersion setting and we couldn’t find a bilingual program. We needed a ready-to-use program that improved self-regulation, mental health, and academic achievement for all members of the classroom (including us, the teachers!).

Frustrated by this lack of quality resources, we set out to develop a program ourselves. We launched Educalme in 2017. We tested Educalme in our own classrooms and piloted it for two years in K-12 classrooms across Canada and the United States. We tweaked and improved the CASEL aligned program based on the data we collected. In 2019, a third-party evaluation was done on Educalme and it demonstrated that this program improves self-regulation, focus, resilience, classroom management and more!

Now, teachers choose to use Educalme in their classrooms to improve both student and teacher wellbeing because…


  • Educalme does not require professional development, release time, lesson planning or preparations, which makes it a very affordable option. It is designed so that K-12 teachers learn alongside their students by pressing “play” on the pre-recorded lessons.
  • Educalme is completely bilingual (English & French) and lessons are recorded in a Western Canadian French accent, making it easier for French Immersion students to understand.
  • Educalme is a trauma-sensitive year-long program that allows students and teachers to co-regulate with daily self-care practices and learn concrete skills for emotional wellness and mental health.
  • Educalme creates a positive daily mental hygiene routine that gives teachers and students coping strategies and common vocabulary to return to calm and focus quickly, so less time is wasted on classroom management, and more time is dedicated to teaching the curriculum.


Learn more about Educalme’s benefits and outcomes!

Instead of reactively addressing student and teacher stress and anxiety once they’re already burned out, Educalme is a proactive and systematic approach for preventing overwhelm and burnout, while preparing minds and bodies for effective teaching and learning every single day of the school year.


Self-care shouldn’t be reserved for after-school hours to make up for the burnout you’ve experienced during the school day.


Educalme flips the script and makes wellbeing an integral part of your classroom routine for both your students and YOU.


Join the community of thousands of teachers around the world using Educalme!


Learn strategies that empower you to feel more calm, balanced and joyful both in and out of the classroom on The Balanced Educator Podcast

“These girls know how to keep it real on all topics (but not limited to) mindfulness, self-care, classroom management and meditation! I’ve been gaining some huge take-aways to help me bring mindfulness into my own classroom and personal daily life! Thank you both!!” – Carolina, grade 1 teacher

The Team Behind Educalme

Meet Kailey and Josianne, Canadian Teachers & the Founders of Educalme!

Hi, I’m Kailey

  • I have a B.Sc. (concentrations in Biology and Microbiology), B.Ed., and vinyasa and yin yoga teacher certifications.
  • I have experience teaching in high school (Science, Biology and Psychology) and middle school (all subjects) in a French Immersion setting.
  • Before becoming a teacher, I was a babysitter, a tutor, a volleyball coach, a camp counselor and an Educational Assistant.
  • I’m very interested in the mind-body connection and how emotions influence learning and performance I am always learning more about these subjects through professional development.
  • I love sharing what I’m learning with other teachers on The Balanced Educator Podcast and when I lead Educalme professional development workshops.
  • I practice mindfulness meditation daily and my favourite self-care activities are stand up paddle boarding or snowshoeing with my dogs Nova and Juno.

Hi, I’m Josianne

  • I have a B.A. (concentrations in French and Psychology), B.Ed., PBDE (concentration in Special Education) and a yoga teacher certification.
  • I have experience teaching elementary and middle school (grades 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 all subjects) and high school (French & English Language Arts, and Psychology) in a French immersion setting.
  • Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a Childcare Worker with children aged 2-8 and as an Educational Assistant for students with developmental disabilities and autism.
  • I’m always expanding my knowledge on how to incorporate mindfulness and meet social-emotional needs in the classroom through professional development.
  • I’m passionate about creating transdisciplinary, inclusive and engaging social-emotional learning lessons for Educalme.
  • I practice mindfulness meditation daily and my favourite self-care activity is taking my dog Bo for a run or a hike.

Why Administrators, Teachers and Students Love Educalme

Join the Community of Students & Teachers Currently Improving Their Well-Being with Educalme Across North America and Beyond

70,000+ Students

3,000+ Teachers

200+ School Districts & Divisions

© 2025 Made with love in Canada

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