In this episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast, we explain the difference between a formal mindfulness practice and an informal mindfulness practice.
We have a program called Educalme that teaches you and your students the formal mindfulness practice. You can learn about our program here.
Then, we give 10 ways that you can infuse your school day with little mindful moments with informal mindfulness practices.
These 10 practices support our students by helping them to calm down during the school day, prepare their mind for learning, become more self-aware and self-regulate.
Check out the book: Mindful Games
Check out The Balanced Educator Podcast episodes: Carolina’s episode & Danielle’s episode
Educalme is your clear roadmap & simple action plan to prioritize social-emotional development so that your students are ready for calm and focused learning. Get a full year of ready-to-use audio, video and printable mindfulness lessons for the classroom. No prep required! Try Educalme for free!
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