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This cut-and-glue activity will help students to understand the vocabulary in the unit, mainly the difference between external distractions vs. internal distractions.
In the lesson plan and the introduction to the Focus unit video above, there is a detailed explanation of these two terms. In this pre-teaching activity, students will categorize examples of what is an external distraction and what is an internal distraction.
While this activity is targeted at younger grades and ESL classrooms, with older students, you could simply read and/or project the examples given in the worksheet and ask your students to tell you whether they are external or internal distractions.
This is a great activity to do at the end of the unit to deepen the learning. Students will showcase what types of things were competing for their attention the most during the focus unit, then come up with one thing they can do to help themselves to focus when distractions arise.
This is a great activity to do at the end of the unit to deepen the learning. Students will write about what types of things were competing for their attention the most during the focus unit. Then, they will come up with ways to help themselves to focus when they are working on a task or a project.