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119. The Biology of the Five Senses

In this episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast we’re explaining the biology of how we experience our 5 senses. We talk about how our brain processes our senses and how we interpret what we see, hear, feel, taste and touch.
We explain how our 5 senses can help us to stay present and be mindful. Then, we give examples of simple mindfulness activities you can do with your students. 
Plus, we give a free 5 Senses Scavenger Hunt activity and lesson plan that you can use in your classroom.


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Alright, we’re going to keep this one short so you can get on with your… Mindful Scavenger Hunt!!!

Our 5 senses are how we engage with the world around us. Through the exploration of one sense at a time, our students learn how to fully appreciate what they are experiencing in each moment.

Plus, they will understand that when you choose to focus on one thing at a time, your senses become amplified. This helps to develop attention and awareness.

In this Mindful Scavenger Hunt PDF, you will find two worksheets and a lesson plan. This is a perfect mindfulness activity to do with your kiddos to fill a bit of time in your schedule. Also, a great one to leave to a sub since the lesson plan is already written for you!

This activity is a part of the Mindfulness and the Five Senses unit inside Educalme, our ready-to-use mindfulness program for the classroom (there are lessons for the entire school year!). In this unit, students develop their mindfulness practice through the exploration of their five senses.

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Let us know how this activity goes for you and your students!

With calm appreciation,

Kailey & Josianne

Teachers and founders of Educalme

P.s. Try out a Mindful Scavenger Hunt indoors or outdoors with your students!

Share this post on Pinterest so other educators can grab this freebie too!
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