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110. Self-Love and Personal Growth with Amy Tung of the I Am Love Project

In this episode we’ve invited Amy Tung of the I Am Love Project onto the show. She shares about self-love, relationships and letting go of what isn’t working in our lives to make space for intentional change.
Kailey and Amy discuss mindfulness, self-love, self-reflection, living with intention, surrender, and choosing again from a space of love.


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I Am Love Project – A social enterprise helping local non-profits and charities reach their potential

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Dr. Gary Chapman

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Thank you to Amy for sharing a guest blog post. Here it is!

Letting go of being a perfectionist is a gift to yourself. This was the absolute biggest challenge for me, yet the most rewarding. Does this sound familiar to you?

I use to set absolute ideals. There was only black and white, no grey. I had an all-or-nothing approach and feared failure because it suggested imperfection. I was my harshest critic and would beat myself up for the smallest things.

Finally, I got sick of mulling and crying over outcomes if they did not turn out as envisioned. I realized I was being a perfectionist to prove to everyone that I AM WORTHY, not realizing that I am already worthy in many ways. I am perfectly imperfect!!! My journey is to strive for growth and development. I am deemed worthy because I will drive my goals forward. When you lead with intention, when you embrace who you are, the impossible becomes POSSIBLE. 

By all means, this didn’t happen overnight. It did take 35 years of hardship in order for me to realize and to finally seek out help. I am so blessed to have met some incredible coaches, therapists, counsellors, and mentors along my journey. They have given me the tools to help me succeed in my career, relationships and finances. 

Do you want to achieve success and live an abundant life? Join our monthly pop-up events, where you’ll be engaged in self-enquiry and be given the right tools and strategies from professionals. Wear comfy clothes, our workshops always end with a workout session!

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Let us know in the comments, how do you live with more intention?

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